22 %% "Why does my mouth always taste like old carpet in the morning?" 'Unknown. Checking medical logs.' -- Ivanova and her wake-up computer, "Signs and Portents" %% "Sleeping is not the problem. Waking up - that is a problem." -- Ivanova, "Signs and Portents" %% "I've always had a hard time getting up when it's dark outside." 'But in space, it's always dark.' "I know. I know." -- Ivanova and Sinclair, "Signs and Portents" %% "I've been out of circulation. Spent the last few years doing some exploration out on the Rim." 'Find anything interesting?' "Yes." -- Morden and Customs Guard, "Signs and Portents" %% "I would very much like to know how you got your hands on this." 'No, you wouldn't.' -- Londo and Reno, "Signs and Portents" %% "I have already pushed it." 'I pushed it again.' "I hear there is a famine on your world's southern frontier. My condolences." 'You should have thought of that before you strip mined our resources.' "Ah, so it is all our fault, mm?" 'Precisely.' "Though I have noticed that your own people have continued to exploit your world's resources, to build the mighty Narn war machine." 'We have to protect ourselves.' "By doing to yourselves what you say we did to you. Ah! That's evolution for you." 'Now see here...' "Take the famine as a blessing, G'Kar. A weeding out of the excess population." 'One more comment like that Mollari and you will become *part* of the excess population.' "Phaugh! Threats!" "Yes, threats!" [tube door opens, neither notices it] "Now you can go to Hell." "And you can kiss my pouch!" [both notice the tube door shut] [together,] "Now look what you made me do!" -- Londo and G'Kar, "Signs and Portents" %% "What do you want?" -- Morden (to various ambassadors), "Signs and Portents" %% "I'm not sure I understand the question, Mr.." 'Morden.' "Morden. Yes. Who did you say authorized this meeting?" 'Councilor Tu'Bar, First Circle.' "And does he know what this is about?" 'No, but in order to see someone of your prominence, I had to get a recommendation. He provided it. You still haven't answered my question Ambassador. What do you want?' "What do you mean, what do I want?" 'What do you want?' "What do I want for supper, what do I want to do this evening, what do I..." 'What do you want?' "This is pointless. What I want is for you to go away and leave me in peace." 'As you say.' "Wait. What do I want? The Centauri stripped my world. I want justice." 'But what do you want?' "To suck the marrow from their bones and grind their skulls to powder." 'But what do you want?' "To tear down their cities. Blacken their sky. Sow their ground with salt. To completely, utterly erase them." 'And then what?' "[seems as if a spell breaks] I don't know. As long as my homeworld's safety is guaranteed, I don't know that it matters." 'I see. Well, thank you very much for your time Ambassador. Good day.' -- G'Kar and Morden, "Signs and Portents" %% "The Centauri stripped my world. I want justice." 'But *what* do you want?' "To suck the marrow from their bones and grind their skulls to powder." 'What do you want?' "To tear down their cities, blacken *their* sky, sow *their* ground with salt. To completely, utterly, erase them." 'And then what?' "Well...I don't know. As long as my homeworld's safety is guaranteed, I don't know that it matters." -- G'Kar and Morden, "Signs and Portents" %% "I see death, destruction, fire. Babylon will fall - this place will be destroyed." -- Lady Ladira, "Signs and Portents" %% "What is the purpose of your question, Mr... Morden, is it?" 'The question is its own purpose, Ambassador Delenn. What do you want?' "I'm informed you have just seen Ambassador G'Kar. Are you asking each of us this question?" 'Perhaps. Does this invalidate the question?' "No, but it makes me wonder ... [puts hand on forehead]" 'Something wrong, Ambassador?' "No, just a moment of fatigue." [ a symbol appears on her forehead. Covering it, she looks at Morden, who disappears in shadows.] 'Ambassador?' "Leave me. Get out. Now. [Morden leaves] They're here." -- Delenn and Morden, "Signs and Portents" %% "We must all make our sacrifices." -- Londo, "Signs and Portents" %% "Maximum burn, weapons systems on standby. Heat 'em up, we're gonna need 'em." -- Ivanova to Delta Wing, "Signs and Portents" %% "I'm sorry but I don't have time to chat right now. I suggest you make an appointment." 'I did.' "Then make another one. Never a transport tube when you need one." 'Ambassador, I was authorized to speak to you by...' "Yes, yes, look. What do you want?" 'That's what I was going to ask you! What do you want?' "You are a lunatic. Go away. Pester someone else." [enters transport tube; Morden follows closely] "You are a very persistent young man." 'I have to be. I'm not allowed to leave here until you've answered my question. What do you want?' "This is a very silly conversation." 'Yes, it is. What do you want?' "To be left alone." 'Is that it? Is that really all Ambassador?' "Alright. Fine. You really want to know what *I* want? You really want to know the truth? I want my people to reclaim their rightful place in the galaxy. I want to see the Centauri stretch forth their hand again and command the stars. I want a rebirth of glory. A renaissance of power. I want to stop running through my life like a man late for an appointment, afraid to look back or to look forward. I want us to be what we used to be. I want... I want it all back the way that it was. Does that answer your question?" 'Yes. Yes it does.' -- Londo and Morden, "Signs and Portents" %% "The Shadows have come for Lord Kiro. The Shadows have come for us all!" -- Lady Ladira, "Signs and Portents" %% "Leave this place. They are not for you. Go. Leave. *NOW*" -- Kosh (to Morden), "Signs and Portents" %% "Nuts." -- Ivanova, "Signs and Portents" %% "A gift, from friends you don't know you have." -- Morden (presenting the Eye to Londo), "Signs and Portents" %% "Let me buy you a drink! Let me buy you an entire FLEET of drinks!" -- Londo Mollari, "Signs and Portents" %% "How can I ever find you to thank you?" 'We will find you, Ambassador. We will find you.' -- Londo and Morden (disembodied voice), "Signs and Portents" %% "Look, Jeff, you probably know you weren't first in line to run this place." "I suspected as much. I was surprised when they called me. How far down the list was I?" "Pretty far. Despite the problems, this is still a high profile job, a real plum. Admirals, generals, the whole brass was lined up hoping to get it, but every name was rejected until they got to you." "Rejected by whom?" "The Minbari government. They were the first to sign on to support Babylon 5 on the condition that they had approval over who was assigned to run this place. They wanted you." -- Garibaldi and Sinclair, "Signs and Portents" %% "The future is always changing. We create the future with our words, our deeds, and with our beliefs." -- Lady Ladira, "Signs and Portents"